Shelby park Community Center
With youth and recreation-focused programming, the Shelby Park Community Center is the place to get fit and connect with neighbors.
The Shelby Park Community Center is a Metro Parks-operated neighborhood center. The facility features a gymnasium, game room, multi-purpose rooms, playground, and tennis courts.
The center offers programs and activities for all Nashville residents with a focus on the surrounding East Nashville community. Programs and activities include adult and youth sports, arts and crafts, organized games, social events, and more.
Current Community Center Programming Schedule
Youth Programs
The community center offers both after-school and summer enrichment programs for youth ages 6 to 14 years old. To find out more about these programs connect with the community center staff. (615) 862-8467
Event Rental
The Shelby Park Community Center may be rented outside of operating hours for private functions. The Metro Parks Department oversees all rentals of the center and elsewhere within Shelby Park and Bottoms. Details on renting these facilities can be found in the document, Neighborhood Center Usage Permit.
Current Hours:
Monday thru Thursday
12:00 pm to 8:30 pm
10 am to 6:30 pm
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Closed Sunday
401 S 20th Street
Nashville, TN 37206
(615) 862-8467