

Show your Shelby Park and Bottoms pride all over town with the Friends of Shelby specialty license plate!

$17.50 of every plate is donated to Friends of Shelby and helps our mission to preserve, enhance, and promote Shelby Park and Bottoms.

Specialty Plate FAQ

Q.     How do I get the Shelby Specialty license plate?

A.     To get any specialty plate you have to go in person to the Clerk’s office. You cannot get a specialty plate if you renew online.

As of right now, the clerk has an additional 100 Shelby plates that are available first-come-first-served. You can renew your plate anytime and your fees will be prorated for the month you have already paid.

Q.     Can I customize a Shelby specialty plate?

A.     Yes! Go to this website - - and search “Shelby.” Select the Shelby plate and customize!

Q.     When can I get a Shelby specialty plate?

A. Any time. You can wait until your registration needs renewing or you can go anytime to the clerk’s office and they will prorate your registration.

Q. How does having a plate support the park?

A. $17.50 of the $35 fee goes right back to Friends of Shelby Park and Bottoms. We use those funds for programming, events, and projects throughout the park. What happens to the other $17.50? Well, those funds go to the State Arts Commission, so two great organizations are supported by purchasing your specialty plate.

Don't see your question here? Email us for more information:

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License plate sales support the organization’s efforts by generating between $15,0000 and $17,000 in funding per year. This dedicated funding will increase our organization’s impact on revitalization efforts, programming, and new projects throughout the park.

East Nashville License Plate Preorder Progress


Figures Updated: 08/14/2021
Total Preorders: 1035!